Sue Blair
Director of Education and Special Projects
Sue brings a wealth of knowledge in Psychological Type having been involved with Type communities around the world for over 20 years.
She has a professional background in sales and management. She was Business Development Manager at the technology subsidiary of British Airways before leaving to raise a family in New Zealand. Unsurprisingly, life changed considerably at this point.
Raising children is predictably challenging, time consuming and thought provoking with stress, exhaustion and joy thrown into the mix. The parenting role was definitely a massive training ground with a steep learning curve which continues, no matter how old your children are. A love of Type developed as it became the golden thread through the parenting journey that helped each of her family members to thrive.
After completing the MBTI qualification programme she set up her own company, Personality Dynamics. For the past twenty-four years she has worked as a coach, presenter and facilitator in a wide range of situations; starting with parenting courses and going on to work with youth development, careers advisers, educators at all levels and also going back to corporates running team building and leadership programmes. Her work has always centred around Type.
She is also the creator of The Personality Puzzles, these are coaching card resources now used worldwide by coaches and therapists to create meaningful conversations whilst supporting learning about Type. There are versions of the cards for adults, teens and educators.
Her interest area whilst working on the BAPT board is Education. She admits that it is quite a challenge trying to get time with educators and build a working understanding of Type. When it does happen the rewards, both personally and professionally, are huge.
She would like to open up conversations with anyone who is involved and/or interested in Education. She would like to invite anyone who has experience in this field to be in touch. If we can help one child, one family, one teacher or one school then it is worth the effort.
Please be in touch to share your experiences. It would be great to build a community of people who can support and resource each other. She looks forward to being in touch with anyone who shares her enthusiasm or desire to create a better environment for our young people and those who care for them.