Puzzled? Questions?
Are you new to personality type?
Here are some useful pointers from the Myers-Briggs Foundation and our recommended principles for good practice in personality type assessment and development.
Apply type knowledge in everyday life, for example, personal growth, family and relationships, and work and careers. Self-understanding, improved relationships, better communication, and an appreciation for personality differences are just some of the benefits gained from learning about personality type. You can learn to be more effective in your use of type through understanding and appreciating personality differences in constructive ways.
When you take the MBTI instrument or find a certified type practitioner to work with, make sure that you are taking the real Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assessment.
Options for taking the MBTI assessment:
Personal Feedback: You can take the MBTI assessment with personal feedback. This begins with an online administration of the MBTI instrument, and includes a highly experienced, certified professional who assists with the interpretation of the results during a feedback session. Search BAPT's Register of Type Practitioners
Online: Take the MBTI online now at MBTIonline.com. The publisher of the MBTI instrument, The Myers-Briggs Company, has developed an automated process where participants verify their type preferences without the aid of a practitioner. Individuals who take the MBTI assessment in this way may want to have a follow-up discussion with an MBTI professional to ask questions and learn how they can apply type knowledge in everyday life.
Find an MBTI Professional: Read Myers-Briggs Foundation guide on evaluating and finding an MBTI Professional available at MBTIonline.com. Search BAPT's Register of Type Practitioners
For Children: Parents or legal guardians who would like their children (ages 7 through 18) to learn about personality type can do so at peoplestripes.org. The Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children® (MMTIC®) is a self-report assessment developed to identify children's personality type preferences. Parents can have their children Take the MMTIC Assessment service with personal feedback conducted by a certified MMTIC professional.
What to expect when you take the MBTI assessment:
You will take the assessment online. There are no right or wrong answers. The MBTI instrument is not a test. You select the answers that fit best for you.
Results are most often given in person or virtually through an interpretive feedback discussion with a certified MBTI practitioner. This feedback process allows for personal interpretation that enhances the understanding of MBTI results.
When using the MBTI online service, offered by The Myers-Briggs Company, the integrated self-guided feedback system is designed to help you understand and verify the accuracy of your results. A follow-up conversation with a professional is suggested but not essential.
Scored results come in the form of an MBTI Profile Report that is either delivered via the web or given to you in printed form. This report is confidential and is treated accordingly by the professionals who deliver the report to you.